Thursday, October 18, 2012

questions for my strangers:)

questions for my strangers:)

1. Full name
2. Birthday
3. Lucky number and why
4. favorite colour(s) and why
5. What you wanted to be when you grew up
6.Thing's you've done in your life that make you feel proud of yourself
7. any regrets
8. if you won a very very large amount of money, what would you do with it and why
9. best childhood memory
10. person who knows you better than anyone else
11. Best romantic story that has happened to you
12. best experience this year so far
13. where do you see yourself in 5 years time.
14. Do you think you look more like your mom or dad, explain
15. what can you not live without?
16. best birthday you've had
17. worst birthday you've had
18. happiest memory you can recall
19. most cherished item of clothing
20. a message to those reading :) (it can be anything)

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