Thursday, October 18, 2012

Meet Riki Liki Lee!

Full name
Rickie Lee Cheyne

12 January 1993

Lucky number(s) and why
3, 12 and 13, I lived at number 13, my cellphone number had 13 in it twice and every Friday the 13th is absolutely epic every year:) Also, I was number 12 in the mister and miss Fourways pageant when I won, AND I was born on the 12th :)

Favourite colour(s) and why
It always changes, but at the moment it’s turquoise and purple. Very Peacock inspired at the mo.

What you wanted to be when you grew up
Always wanted to be a Rockstar

Thing’s you've done in your life that make you feel proud of yourself
All my achievements during my schooling years, and my persistence…

Any regrets
I regret ever second guessing myself. Self-doubt is a terrible downward spiral

If you won a very very large amount of money, what would you do with it and why
I’d buy a car, a little house and invest in an album. But before all that I’d have an insane party!

Best childhood memory
Writing to the fairies and reading the letters they wrote back:) I spent an entire day taking care of an invisible fairy that promised she’s spend the day with me on the condition she was invisible, I adore kids' imaginations!

Person who knows you better than anyone else
Anyone who has ever lived with me…

Best romantic story that has happened to you
My hilarious attempt at kissing in the rain for the first time. The guy I was sorta seeing at the time thought it would be a great idea to try pick me up whilst kissing, and tried spinning me around. He then slipped on mud and dropped me into a fabulous little pool of water. Was a great laugh and I’ll never forget it.

Best experience this year so far
Partying in Amsterdam for the Queens day festival. Was such an amazing experience. Would do it again any day.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?
Doing what I love, with the people I love.

Do you think you look more like your mom or dad, explain
I've been told I look a lot like my mother. But I have many of my dad’s structural features, like his nose, physique and artistic flair :)

What can you not live without?
Definitely my friends and family.

Best birthday you've had
My 17th, I held a food fight with a bunch of close friends. Was such fun!

Worst birthday you've had
18th and 19th. Ruined by people fighting. Of all days too.

Happiest memory you can recall
Seeing my older brother for the first time since I was tiny.

Most cherished item of clothing
At the moment it has to be my turquoise skirt from Big Blue. Other than that I’m a Jewellery freak!

A message to those reading
Watch this space ;)

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