Full name
Emmanuel Sequeira
14 February 1986
Lucky number and why
7 (I like to gamble, 7 excites me) I love 8 equally (It
is infinite, and curves, I love curves)
Favourite colour(s) and why
Black (makes washing my clothes easier)
What you wanted to be when
you grew up
Hugh Hefner
Thing's you've done in your
life that make you feel proud of yourself
Aydan BOOM!!!!
Any regrets
If you won a very very large
amount of money, what would you do with it and why
Pay off debt, Invest, retire. Frees up my time to raise
my lil man
Best childhood memory
Memory a bit vague (Tequila abuser)
Person who knows you better
than anyone else
Nobody will ever REALLY know me
Best romantic story that has
happened to you
Met Sam, it’s a pretty story, even Durex awarded me with
sexy time vouchers
Best experience this year so
The year aint over yet, BIG things coming
Where do you see yourself in
5 years’ time?
At the top, or damn close
Do you think you look more like
your mom or dad, explain
Mom, prominent chin ffs
What can you not live
People’s opinions
Best birthday you've had
21st, had 21 Bob Marley’s and a flaming lambo! And LIVED
Worst birthday you've had
2 years ago, LONG sad bullshit story
Happiest memory you can
Birth of my son, every day he tells me he loves me,
spontaneous displays of affection
Most cherished item of
Tailor-made Cap, and a few Fox T-Shirts
A message to those reading
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