Birthday: 26 October 1976
Lucky number and why: 6 and 2, I don't know why.
Favourite colour(s) and why: I like every colour as long as it's black.
What you wanted to be when you grew up: Single and rich.
Thing's you've done in your life that make you feel proud of yourself: Somehow managed to grow up to be a more or less stable and responsible person.
Any regrets: Phew...really? Yes a few.
if you won a very very large amount of money, what would you do with it and why: Give lots of it to friends and family, buy a kickass car and a humble little home and start my own animal rescue centre. Donations anyone? :P
Best childhood memory: Running around in the streets with the neighbourhoods dogs.
Person who knows you better than anyone else: I don't know.
Best romantic story that has happened to you: A guy took me to a really beautiful place that was kind of like the back of a waterfall, it was just a little spur of the moment thing but it was sweet.
Best experience this year so far: I GOT LINKIN PARK TICKETS :D
Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time: Single and rich :D
Do you think you look more like your mom or dad, explain: Neither.
What can you not live without? Coffee and music.
Best birthday you've had: My 16th, it rocked.
Worst birthday you've had: Haven't really had any bad ones.
Happiest memory you can recall: The very first time my daughter Avalon laughed, she made me laugh and we couldn't stop.
Most cherished item of clothing: My skull socks..
A message to those reading: That's all folks
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