Full name
Redford Lyle Saunders
28 November 2012
Lucky number and why
Don’t have one no
numbers have made me lucky yet
Favourite colour(s) and why
Green cus blue is for hippies
What you wanted to be when
you grew up
Honestly a traveller just go see and meet as many people
as possible(no money in that :/)
Thing's you've done in your
life that make you feel proud of yourself
Became honest with myself.
Any regrets
Just one
If you won a very very large
amount of money, what would you do with it and why
Bail my friends and family outta any troubles and become
a traveller
Best childhood memory
Wearing a ninja turtle costume and only eating fish
fingers for 2 years
Person who knows you better
than anyone else
My mom
Best romantic story that has
happened to you
It didn’t happen
:P I’m single
Best experience this year so
My nephew was born
Where do you see yourself in
5 years’ time?
Hopefully still breathing and at the coast
Do you think you look more
like your mom or dad, explain
Dad, I’m an almost exact replica of him (not good for
later in life) got my mom’s eyes
What can you not live
Nestle bubbly. That
stuff is like crack to an addict for me ( om nom nom nom)
Best birthday you've had
22nd (celebrated my 21st a year late)
Worst birthday you've had
Any birthday that someone has bought me cake.
Happiest memory you can
In my PJ’s and talking shit with a very close friend of
mine while my gf wasn’t there (and no
nothing happened people)
Most cherished item of
Um people cherish clothes????
A message to those reading
(my next
tattoo) live life in the love of your dream
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